
The Acoustics and Vibrations Laboratory develops researches in the graduation, masters and doctorate levels, besides offering extension curses, technical and metrological advisory.

The Laboratory for Ocean Technology, LabOceano/COPPE, was the first institution to settle in UFRJ Science Park. It owns the deepest ocean tank in the world that enables the realistic simulation of the main characteristics of the ocean environment and thus complies with the needs and high standards imposed by the offshore industry.

From reaction network modelling to flow networks, the H2CIN includes a wide range of researches based on Applied Thermodynamics and Process Engineering, with developments on process synthesis, simulation, control and optimization. Flow processes are dealt in different contexts - gas, liquid and multiphase - highlighting: gas pipelines for the transport of CO2, natural gas and ethene; oil production risers and gas-lift processes. Associated to flow, developing stochastic tools for leakage detection is another excellence field of H2CIN and, in order to validate these detection systems, there is a Flow Loop built in the Laboratory.

The Laboratory of Separation Processes with Membranes and Polymers (PAM) has activities in both the academic and technological areas. In the Excellence Center for Natural Gas (CEGN), in the UFRJ Science Park, PAM develops studies aiming at the recovery of CO2 from natural gas and is actively involved in the synthesis of membranes that can operate in high temperatures.

The Laboratory for Computational Methods in Engineering is a laboratory from Coppe's Civil Engineering Program (UFRJ.) It has worked, for over twenty years, in the fields of research, formulation and development of numerical methods in Computational Mechanics applied to Engineering and Geosciences, and methods of scientific visualization.

This lab is part of the Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture Program of COPPE/UFRJ and is associated to LabOceano. It performs studies and tests in flexible lines for the exploration of oil and gas in deep waters.