Elected as the Best Technology Park of Brazil in 2013 by the National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises (Anprotec), the UFRJ Technology Park is a cooperative environment between the entrepreneurial initiative and the academic community, aiming to strengthen the capacity of innovation, creation of wealth and well-being of society.
Two historical landmarks were fundamental for the emergence of the Technological Park. The creation of the Institute of Post-Graduation and Research in Engineering of UFRJ (Coppe) in 1963 paved the way for the development of other innovative initiatives within the University. Ten years later, in 1973, the installation of the Petrobras Research Center on the Island of the University City stimulated the interaction between the companies and UFRJ.
The Park has a team specialized in promoting the interaction between its companies and the start ups of Coppe’s Business Incubator with units / research groups of UFRJ and, in this way, enables partnerships capable of promoting innovations. The Park also monitors the management of small and medium sized companies and carries out activities that stimulate the relationship between resident organizations and other stakeholders. There is also assistance in expanding the networking of companies, especially those of smaller size and in an initial stage of operation.
Besides the proximity to the academy, leading research and access to highly qualified labor, the Park has adequate and complete infrastructure to receive companies of all sizes and sectors. Services include: cleaning and street lighting, 24-hour security, monitored round, urban fiber-optic mesh, sustainable lighting, garbage collection and civil and electrical maintenance of common areas. Currently, 12 large national and multinational companies are installed in the Park, in addition to 28 start ups, 10 research laboratories and 10 small and medium-sized companies.